Internet @ Burning Man 2018

Version 1.0. Check this page or the mailing list for updates.

Unlike passed year, we are not using individual configuration files. Instead, you can just download a configuration file and apply it yourself.


  1. Reset your NanoBeam to factory defaults. There are several ways to do that; the easiest is to power up the radio, wait 1 minute to ensure it is fully booted, then hold down the reset button for 10 seconds. The reset button of the NanoBeam can break off if too much force is used; it is safer to use the reset button on the PoE injector.
  2. Give your laptop a static IP address, netmask Access the radio at Login us user ubnt, password ubnt. Upgrade firmware to version 8.5.7. XC.v.8.5.7 WA.v.8.5.7 Do not disrupt power during firmware upgrades.
  3. Upload one of the configuration files below, depending on your location.

In addition to the usual three sector antennas, pointing roughly towards 3, 6 and 9 o'clock, we have a forth antenna pointing toward the temple. This one is ideal for Mutant Vehicles and deep playa installations. There's a different configuration file for each zone; see map below.

The map is a rough guide line. You can try different configurations to find the strongest signal.

Station configuration for 3 o'clock
Station configuration for 6 o'clock
Station configuration for 9 o'clock
Station configuration for deep playa

Each NanoBeam radio acts as a router. They give out DHCP leases out of a pool of 4000 per radio. For aiming, connect to, user name guest, password radicalinclusion .